A Compliment Nothing Special

This past Saturday, October 2, 2010, Creative Potager was written up as “nothing special” in the best possible way by Dr. Peter Renner (dashin) a practicing Zen lay-monk and a delightful, engaging and thoughtful host of Living and Dying with Eyes Wide Open. He muses about what he calls amazing photographs about the ordinary around her. He concludes “perhaps that’s what I find most comforting in Terrill’s posts: she directs attention to that which is there all the time, just being, waiting for us to see.” He goes on to quote Marcel Proust’s observation that “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”

This past Sunday, October 3, 2010 Annie Q. Syed wrote about one of Creative Potager’s sprout questions as part of her “Still Sunday” post. She tells of amazing photographs and paintings in a safe harbor drenched in creative magic.

In addition, my paintings were featured yesterday on Art of Day in “Impressionist Painting of Nature by Terrill Welch” Go ahead and drop by. Leave a comment if you are so inspired.

Thank you, dear readers for your continued support and encouragement. I hope you leave with the same sense of value and commitment to your work as what I receive from you.

Sprout Question: What is your favourite story about someone who has admired your work?

Important: If you want gift cards, calendars, photographic prints before Christmas, October is the time to place your order at http://www.redbubble.com/people/terrillwelch.

Original oil paintings can be purchased directly from me by sending an emailing to tawelch@shaw.ca .

© 2010 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at http://www.redbubble.com/people/terrillwelch

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

13 thoughts on “A Compliment Nothing Special

  1. Great post, as always, Terrill!! I especially love the quote, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Reminds me of what my dad told me a week or so ago (when he was watching me take a picture)…. “Your camera is teaching you how to see.” That meant a LOT to me, seeing that my Dad is my biggest inspiration for wanting to become a better photographer.

    As for the Sprout question – I wish I HAD a story!! No one has really “admired” my work yet…. hopefully soon!!

    • Holly thank you so much for your comment and I think you did share a story about someone who has admired your work… could it be your dad? Sure sounds like he was admiring to me. And how about the comments on your blog (which dear readers is a lovely place to visit). Or does the story you are seeking told differently than this? Can you tell us what you dream someone says about your work? Be specific? Who is it? What do they say? This is a sneaky way of discovering what we are striving for. What we are looking to have our work embody. It makes no difference if these things are actually ever said. In knowing this is what we are seeking, they are road maps of discovery for us.

      • Terrill – thanks for the link! Actually, I have no idea if I shared a story about my dad!! He has made a couple of comments to me, but I can’t remember where I shared that…
        As for what readers may think when they see my blog… I can only hope that I am able to “take” the viewer along with me to the places that I go, and maybe even cause a smile or share a sense of calm.
        … I’m not always good with words… but hopefully, with my photos, my readers will be able to understand what I am trying to say!!

        • Photos are a great way to assist us helping others find the words for what we want to say Holly. Keep going! I was only thinking of what you said in previous comment about your father… nothing more profound than that:) Thank you for stopping in again and adding a bit more to the conversation.

  2. Terrill – I am so excited that your work is getting such a wide brushstroke of recognition — and the internet allows the ripple effect to travel even further.

    Sprout Question: What is your favorite story about someone who has admired your work?

    I write for several magazines, Evolving Your Spirit (http://www.evolvingyourspirit.com/) and Sibyl Magazine (http://www.sibylmagazine.com/) on a consistent and regular basis. And while I don’t know about the “admiration” aspect so much, I do know that I receive lots of emails asking questions and seeking advice. That, alone, lets me know that my work is being read.

  3. Dear Terrill,

    Thank you for sharing with us how your work’s light is helping ignite others’ fire….lighting fire with fire… it is even more inspiring to keep going….

    This is a tricky sprout question for me given I have been consistently working on nothing but writing for only five months now—it has been a daring task, to not focus on my other projects (education or law/ international human rights aid work ) because i had to except that quality creative work is a full time job. things are coming together in a manner i never expected. including editors approaching me regarding my main manuscript, Her Sizwe, and a small press publishing company for my still sundays posts & tuesdays stories.

    but the best is really when one gets emails saying “i understand too” or “i know but couldn’t word it” or “thanks for understanding.”

    it’s like in that one moment so much comes together in a manner that is beyond money as a reward…. (not saying that is not needed or wouldn’t be nice! lol)


    love your photos. incredible tree next to the sea paintings.

    • The photo you were admiring Annie is a large print of an Arbutus tree in the fog. It is going to a new home in Calgary on the weekend.

      Annie your comments remind me of This Time I Dance by Tama Kieves. I read this book in 2002 when she self-published. The pages are dog-eared with stickies flapping out of it everywhere. There are sections marked and highlighted on almost every page. I had just left the BC Government and was about to launch my own business. I don’t think there has been a more significant transition in my career. This book was like a beacon to my soul. One of the stories that stands out is how her mother was upset that Tama wanted to write and had left a corporate law firm and no longer wanted to be a lawyer “because she was so good at it.” She told her mother “mom, if I am that good at something I don’t like just think how good I will be at doing something I love.”

  4. Terrill,

    Thank you for admiring the Indigo Ball Photos on Facebook! A few should show on my blog soon, I hope, I just can’t seem to find the space to sit to write my blog as of late…

    I am Love, Jeff

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