Down the Road a Way

Down the road a way there is a farm.

It was established in 1872 just a year after British Columbia joined the Canadian Confederation. Around here it’s known as Punch’s place. I hear tell that he sold it a bit back on the condition that he could stay on and live out the rest of his life on the place.

I’ve always admired the spot myself. The new owners have put up a real fine fence but it really didn’t seem to change things much. Saved a few apples from the deer is all.

The new gate is right pretty as well.

We was walking so as to really get a good look at things.

On a way past Punch’s these mail boxes popped up and we almost fell sideways across the centre line from laughing. No one puts mail in them. They’re just for show.

About this time, we decided to go all the way to the public boat launch.

Caught sight of a rooster trying to get through the fence. Ah, I’m just kidding. It’s not a real bird.

Seems like there must have been an agreement awhile ago

to keep the same old fence right on down to the  sea.

When we looked across at the calm, sure didn’t feel like leaving.

But we did.

Saw a sign about not peeking.

Nothing can anyone do about walking on the road though. It is public property all the way to the other side of the ditch. Some ditches are just wider than others is all. Not that we stepped across a wide ditch or anything… just saying.

The road was even nicer on the walk back. Best part is it was down hill a little right back to where we parked the truck.

Sprout Question: Whose voice shows up in your creative work?

© 2010 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

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Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

12 thoughts on “Down the Road a Way

  1. Looks like you had a very nice, peaceful walk – I love going on walks like this, wish I could do it more! Great mailboxes, and I love your comments throughout – really makes me feel like I’m walking with you!

  2. What a Lovely journey! Reminds me of one of my favourite childhood stories, actually! 🙂

    Sprout Question: Whose voice shows up in your creative work?

    ohhh, that shifts and changes, but I’m sure it’s often my own.

  3. I really enjoyed these. I often feel this space you create—have created—is sort of a fairyland mixed with magic potions near the ocean, and mysterious trails of the green and yellow, and giant pumpkin finds!

    Lovely photos, thank you so much for taking the time to share with us.

    I took this sprout question to my very ‘gifted’ yoga teacher, Marco Rojas’s class tonight. Gifted as in this is no ordinary man or yoga instructor. This is his ‘calling’ and what makes him even more empowering it he KNOWS it.

    Anyway, he is intense, the classes are intense, we change, we cry, our bodies are transformed, our minds shut the hell up, and pure childlike intelligence emerges…and we get to peak into glittering glimpses of infinity within.

    And I thought of this question with every breath.

    The most honest voice shows up in my creative work. The one my mind can’t trick into quieting down. But sometimes the mind wins… but when that honest voice shows up….it’s reach is boundless…. it is a glimpse into infinity.

    I love this space.



    • Annie thank you and thank you for sharing about your yoga class… and taking a sprout question with you is a real honour for Creative Potager. I like Annie how you talk about the voice you “can’t trick into quieting down.” This is a powerful creative place. It is the place where if we practice enough we master the basics of our craft and then can run free in the moment with skill as well as emotional honesty. I sense that you have this in your writing and I am looking forward to reading more…. much more!

  4. Beautiful photos, especially the calm and serene sea with the textured shadows, and those ‘just for show’ mailboxes! Yet another lot of pictures that provides living proof that beauty in many guises blesses this ‘other Eden’ as Shakespeare would say.

    • This was a new walk for us Sam and one we will do again. We had driven the road but it is not the same as walking. The island is a little large to walk everywhere unless you are young and very fit. But we have taken to driving and parking and then walking lengths of road here and there. Lovely way to get know the area intimately well.

  5. although i usually write my still sundays post on sunday a.m., the earlier the better, i came here to pick up the energy provided in this space, this post, these photos, my original comment, and just ‘sit with’ it before writing tomorrow….

    i am so moved by the way you phrased that question. and for now, i am trying to feel that out first… why does asking “WHOSE”.. make it so incisive to answer (perhaps only for me, personally…)

    let’s see what happens tomorrow….

    cheers, Terrill.


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